23 May 2009

Part One

This is Lamby. She lives in the mountains of North Carolina. One day, she got very lonely and let out a very long, loud and sad sigh.
A few minutes later, to Lamby's surprise, a bright pink sheep appeared out of the trees. "I'm Candy!" said the new sheep. "I heard a very sad sigh come from this direction and came to see if I could cheer someone up! Were you the one that sighed?"
Lamby admitted that she was.
Candy suggested doing something fun together, and brought over her Monopoly game. They had a blast, and in the end, Lamby won!
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As they were cleaning up the game, another sheep walked up! She introduced herself as Minty and explained that she was on her way to visit her cousin, Merry. "I would love it if the two of you joined me!" she said.
Lamby and Candy had no pressing plans, so they finished putting away the game and followed Minty...

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