23 May 2009

Got this pattern from Flutterby Patch. It was so cute I made one right away...then I couldn't stop! I finished sheep #7 today. They are so much fun to make!
OK, before I start the story let me introduce you to the sheep:
Top row:
Lamby - The first little sheep I made. She is quiet and very nice.
Candy- A little bit of a "girly-girl". She is much more boisterous than Lamby.
Minty- She just loves to have fun! She is a natural leader.
Merry- The perfect hostess!
Bottom Row:
Sunny- Always finds the bright side of everything!
Henrietta- Loves everyone! Never met a stranger.
Felix- What can I say? He's always happy...always!
And the last one is Lamby again...Picasa doesn't like odd numbers...
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Part One

This is Lamby. She lives in the mountains of North Carolina. One day, she got very lonely and let out a very long, loud and sad sigh.
A few minutes later, to Lamby's surprise, a bright pink sheep appeared out of the trees. "I'm Candy!" said the new sheep. "I heard a very sad sigh come from this direction and came to see if I could cheer someone up! Were you the one that sighed?"
Lamby admitted that she was.
Candy suggested doing something fun together, and brought over her Monopoly game. They had a blast, and in the end, Lamby won!
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As they were cleaning up the game, another sheep walked up! She introduced herself as Minty and explained that she was on her way to visit her cousin, Merry. "I would love it if the two of you joined me!" she said.
Lamby and Candy had no pressing plans, so they finished putting away the game and followed Minty...

Part Two

Lamby and Candy followed Minty along a trail through the woods. It was pretty hilly, but the found the exercise invigorating. Until...

It started to rain! They saw an old barn close by, so they ran for cover.
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Inside the barn, the three new friends found two other sheep who had also been ducking out of the rain. Their names were Felix and Henrietta. They had just been out for a liesurely walk, but when they heard that the other three were going visiting they wanted to come along too. "The more the merrier!" said Candy.

Part Three

They waited until the rain stopped, then set off again. They had not got very far when they met up with ANOTHER sheep! "My name is Sunny." the sheep introduced herself. "I just love when it rains. The air feels so fresh and clean! I came out to see if there was a rainbow..." The others asked if she would like to join them on their journey. "Oh yes!" she said, and fell in line.
The six of them walked together for the last part of the trip. They talked and laughed and really started getting to know each other.
Finally, at sunset, they arrived at Merry's little hill. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "I wasn't expecting so many guests!" But she was very happy because she loved company. And soon she was talking and laughing with the rest of them as she served up a delicious dinner.
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The sheeps were all so fond of each other that they decided to meet at Merry's every second Tuesday for tea!

02 February 2009